Charting Paths to Success at Creek!

Indian Creek Teachers Obtain Funding for Projects

Three Indian Creek Local School District educators were recently awarded Best Practice Grants totaling $2,100 by the Jefferson County Educational Service Center.  Recipients included Alyssa Lollini, an intervention specialist at Hills Elementary; Ashley Turnbull, a preschool intervention specialist at Hills; and Robyn Scott, a second-grade teacher at Cross Creek Elementary. Funding will be used to support students through social emotional learning, reading and math programs.

A new running track showcasing improvements to stadium
A new running track showcasing improvements to stadium

ICMS Makerspace Unlocks New Learning Opportunities for Students

It’s exciting to see Indian Creek Middle School’s STEM Media Lab in action! Formerly the media center, the space got a makeover in 2024 to become a makerspace featuring 3D printers, interactive flat-screen TVs, VEX robotics, STEM Dremel machines and heat presses. This project was made possible thanks to the help of several dedicated staff members and administrators, in addition to Shawn Villamagna of Riverview Tee Designs who donated one of the heat presses. In our STEM Media Lab class, pupils in grades 5-8 are already preparing impressive projects and presentations with this cutting-edge, high-tech equipment. We can’t wait to see how students use the makerspace to explore the digital world and expand their learning in 2025 and beyond!

Free Breakfast & Lunch for ALL Students!

All students in the Indian Creek Local School District qualify for FREE breakfast and FREE lunch for the 2024-2025 school year! Full bellies help keep the focus on learning and make our entire student body healthier and happier. #CreekCares

A school lunch tray full of healthy food items

Creek Cares

Our Mission:

Providing the Time and Support Students Need to be Successful.

Indian Creek Local School District is a public school district serving Wintersville, Bloomingdale, Unionport, Mingo Junction, the far western portion of Steubenville, and unincorporated areas in central Jefferson County, Ohio.

With new and renovated school buildings designed for learning and engagement, a team of committed teachers and staff, a focus on social-emotional learning, and high-quality classes and programs that allow students to explore their passions and build their skills, Indian Creek schools are dedicated to helping every student succeed in the classroom and beyond.

Cross Creek Elementary

Hills Elementary

Indian Creek Middle School

Indian Creek High School

Indian Creek High School

Indian Creek Programs Empower Students to Succeed

We know that every student is unique. Our goal is for every Creek student to graduate ready for enrollment in college, employment in a great career or enlistment in service to our country. That’s the motivation behind our Career Pathway Success Plans that students begin exploring as early as third grade.


For college bound students, Creek offers opportunities to earn credits while still in high school in College Credit Plus. ACT/SAT preparation and tutoring and other college admissions support is also provided.


This year, our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs expanded, thanks to funding from the Ohio Career Technical Education Equipment Grant Program. Pathways now include Natural Resources, Performing Arts, Business, Engineering Design, Interactive Media and more!


Students who choose the enlistment path are able to ready themselves for military service, learning what options are available to them within their chosen branch of service and the skills required for that role.

Want the Best Education for Your Children?

Creek is the way to go. We are just the right size – able to give each student the personalized classroom attention they need – with all the programs and extracurricular activities that empower students to climb as high as they want!

Creek Constructs

Our new and renovated buildings offer positive learning and collaborative experiences that build curiosity, self-esteem and resilience. From our stunning athletic and performance spaces to our innovative outdoor learning spaces, Creek is the region’s benchmark for outstanding schools. Our state-of-the-art facilities include the new Cross Creek Elementary, remodeled Hills Elementary, and the new Indian Creek High School.

Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Indian Creek High School
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Cross Creek Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary
Hills Elementary

Join the Creek Team!

The Indian Creek Local School District is a major employer in the region. We offer part- and full-time jobs, as well as hiring teachers and administrators from entry level to executive positions. See Creek job opportunities.

Farewell to Treasurer Denise Todoroff

After more than 22 years of dedication to our district, Indian Creek Local School District Treasurer Denise Todoroff wrapped up her tenure at the close of 2024. A Wintersville resident and Kent State University graduate, Todoroff’s efforts over the last two decades have been vital in supporting the needs of our district and students. We wish her all the best as she looks forward to spending time with her family and new granddaughter, Sophie! We’re also excited to welcome successor, Adam Lewis, with full confidence in his ability to carry on Todoroff’s legacy and move the district forward.

Curbside view of the Robert Kettlewell Memorial Stadium at Indian Creek school

Photo: Herald-Star

Photo: Herald-Star

Hellbender Conservation Efforts at ICHS

ICHS is the first public school to partner in saving the endangered salamander, the hellbender. This exciting CTE program is made possible thanks to a grant from the ODNR Aquatics Wildlife Education and partnerships with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Toledo and Columbus Zoos. Recently, Indian Creek High School students in the natural resources pathway showcased their conservation efforts during presentations to state leaders and zoo officials at the Columbus Zoo. Eight students gave engaging presentations highlighting their hands-on efforts in biosecurity, data recording, and care for nearly 20 juvenile hellbenders and their ambassador, Chief. Through this innovative program, ICHS students studying forestry have also gained valuable lessons on forestry-related topics while contributing to the care of the hellbender salamanders.

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